Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's been way too long!

Sorry for taking so long to update my blog. I have been neglecting both of my loyal readers. *laughs*

I've been busy at work. Getting better at InDesign and Illustrator. I am very comfortable with my Photoshop skills, so not much improvement there.

I love this NPR (New Product Release) sheet that the company owner had me make. Let me explain a little first... I work at a plumbing parts manufacturing company and we made a flush valve that converts a low gallon per flush like 1.28 to a larger gallon per flush like 2. I basically makes more water go down when you flush the toilet. That being said, here is the NPRsheet.

Can anyone spot the Monk cameo?

I changed the final product a little. I spun Mr. Monk around and flipped the box around and added labels to the box and made the toilet smaller and moved some text. I'll see if I can post the final draft tomorrow.

Update: (03/11/11)

Here is the final version of the NPR sheet.